praise for the book

The first page of the 2023 edition includes initial praise for the original 2022 edition.

2022 EDITION reviews

Steven Carroll, Sydney Morning Herald

‘It is told with an utterly beguiling simplicity that accentuates its sweep and drama.’

‘There is an extraordinarily dignified calm about the way he documents the racist injustices he faced and fought until the end of his life, and that are ongoing.’

Jo Case, InDaily

‘It calls for genuine reconciliation.’

‘It reads as extraordinary now, but was ordinary for First Nations People.’

Sandra Phillips, The Conversation

‘In his memoir’s final chapter, Vince Copley wonders: if the first legal marriage of an Aboriginal woman and a white man had been socially accepted in the 1850s, would his own wife have been spared being pushed to the end of the 1970s bank queue because she was with him, a blackfella?’

‘Copley’s voice in this first-person memoir brings you close, almost as if you are sitting at a table with him, drinking his fabled cups of tea.’

‘The inclusion of photographs and further reading, including a well-researched timeline of significant events in Australian and Indigenous history, enhances the book’s educational appeal.’

Fran Knight, Read Plus

‘His mother told him ‘Always remember you’re as good as anybody else’ and this, amongst other truths, was the mainstay of his life.’

‘His observations will sit with readers for a long time after this book.’

Isabella Carbone, Valley Magazine, Plains Producer

‘On the day he married his wife Brenda, he played football until half-time before heading off to get hitched!’

‘(Vince) led an extraordinary life against a background of social change.’

‘You feel as though you’re seated across from him in his living room, sharing a cup of tea and listening to the great man.’


Kevin Brophy, Children’s Book Council of Australia

‘Vince announces this book as a simple story of a simple person who has lived a long life. But it is far more than that.’

‘Recommended for readers from ten to one hundred.’

Cheryl Akle, Better Reading

‘This is a special opportunity to imbue the younger generation with the lessons and clarity of one of this country’s most significant and influential Elders.’

‘Vince Copley and Lea McInerney have created a true gem that will captivate readers of all ages and remind them to always look for the wonder in little things. Highly recommended for budding naturalists, curious minds and anyone who believes in the magic of discovery.’

Sue Warren, Just So Stories

‘From the freedom rides with Charles Perkins through to teaching at the university as a highly regarded Elder of his people, Vince was a man who commanded respect and love from all around him.’

‘I think it’s high time we saw a biopic or documentary about this unassuming yet amazing individual.’

Helen Eddy, Read Plus

'A very inspiring, uplifting life story of overcoming hardships and working with others to make things better.’

‘Vince’s story is of the simple things that made up a good life despite adversity and racism.’

Audio book reviews

Emily, Cockburn Libraries

‘You feel like you’re sitting right there, having a chat with a wonderful, humble and interesting friend.’

‘I feel like I met a wonderful human being.’

Community reviews, Audible

‘His message for all Australians needs to be heard by all Australians’ (Anonymous)

‘Greg Fryer’s narration of this book is second to none. His style is so natural and uninhibited that you forget it’s not being narrated by Vince himself. One of the best book readings I have ever heard.’ (Anonymous)

‘Beautifully written and narrated with humour and sensitivity. A must listen.’ (Maggie)

‘Fascinating from start to finish.’ (Tanja)

© 2024 This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Acknowledgement: Vince’s continuing legacy has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.

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